
Room Changes

16/02/2015 12:53 Written by P.Sgt.Levers

Dear Passengers and Crew,

Following feedback from regular chatters, new chatters and those that comment on our Facebook page, we have decided to make a number of changes to our Decks and Rooms. 

The main feedback we had surrounded our Adult Deck, more specifically, 18 Plus, 30-something, 40 plus and 50 plus. Navigators are often asked why the only busy rooms are for older people. The reality is, despite the '40 plus' and '50 plus' names, actually, only around half of the regular chatters in those rooms fit into those age brackets. 

We felt that newer chatters who are under 40 may see the lift and think that only older people chat on our site, when the reality is quite different. As a result, we have kept the same number of rooms on the Adult Deck but made a few name and design changes. 

Here's how the Adult Deck will look:
18 plus (remains the same, geared at any adult)
Flirt Lounge (aimed at those who wish to flirt/date)
Atlantic Cafe (a 30's/40's style general adult chat room)
Mature Bar (a 50's style room)
Gentlemans Club (same as before, however with a new LGBT theme)
Ladies Lounge (same as before, however with a new LGBT theme)
Menslounge (another general adult chat room, aimed mainly at men)

We've removed the following rooms:
Cocktail Bar (it wasn't being used)
Engine (it wasn't being used)
LGBT (we decided to keep the existing Gentlemans Club & Ladies Lounge setup)

We've merged two Decks:
The Galley (the new name)
Cargo Deck (this has gone, all rooms have gone to The Galley)

We hope you understand the reasons for the changes, but can assure you they will not affect any chatter that uses a regular room. The same number of rooms exist, just named differently.

These changes will take affect within the next 1-4 hours.

Kind Regards,


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