Fan Sites

Chat fan sites

List of Chat fan sites.
Please note: Chat Team and their Partners are not responsible for any of the listed sites.

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Ask a Navigator
Really stuck with a technical issue? Can't login properly? Want to ask a Navigator a long winded question? Click above to create a ticket!
Chat Help Profiles
We have a range of chat profiles which are right here on the chat, dedicated to helping you through things step-by-step. Please click one of the below profiles to see more.
Lycos ChatInfo
Here you can upload screenshots for Navigators.
Personalised Cabin Designs
If you have the Personalised Cabin premium feature or a Diamond or Amethyst package you will be able to create an advanced and personal private cabin. This website was created by members of the Spanish Chat and has lots of cabin designs. Find one you like, click it, save it.... and upload it here! Enjoy.
Upload screenshots.
A way to upload screenshots for Navigators to look at.
 1-5 of 5 results