Dear Passengers & Crew
It has been brought to our attention that there MAY be an ad on chat serving questionable content.
We partner with a number of ad agencies and we are working hard to investigate and isolate it the ad concerned. This is NOT an acceptable practice on this chat and we will do whatever it takes to have it removed if in fact we are serving it.
One person who encountered this issue explained it as follows:
The problematic ad appears to affect only IE users. A pop up may appear with a view of your drives and when you attempt to close it, it will come up with a close window and options to click "ok" or "cancel". Both buttons however do the same thing. He suggests that to get rid of it without it infecting your system you should close it using the task manager.
At this time, there is no guarentee that it is coming from our chat. However without a confirmation URL (which we're asking you all to report if you receive this ad), we are erring on the side of caution by telling you about it.
If you do see this problem, please right click on it and select "properties" and note down the URL and report it.
We apologise for the inconvienence and assure you we are working hard to discover if we are actually responsible for this issue.
Kind regards