
These are the continuing voyages...

18/02/2020 15:10 Written by dominic_2005

Dear passengers and crew,


On behalf of the Chat Team, we'd like to share with you the following update regarding the recent choppy waters we have found ourselves in.

Thanks to your support, we have shown a 13% increase in the number of adverts visible to Chatters in the last 28 days compared to the previous month, and the same 13% increase compared to the same period 12 months ago.

There is also a good solid increase in the number of packages being bought.

This means that, whilst we cannot get complacent, Tigerbear and Larholm will still need to make up the shortfall this month, but it won't be as much needed. If we can continue this level of support and more, the Chat can return to being self-sustaining, which at the very least, is what we all want.

Of course, any excess can be turned around into further development to make Chat even more exciting for you all.


On behalf of everyone involved, thank you all for your continued support, lets keep going with more of the same!

The Chief Team

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