
Exciting Chat Update

14/12/2013 20:30 Written by P.Sgt.Levers

Dear Passengers and Crew,

Today we bring you an update that contains numerous bug fixes and a couple of new features.

Chat News
Many of you were telling us that you didn't feel properly updated when things happened. In reality, any changes that occur are posted here on the Bridge. We decided that we'd make it easier for you to see the latest news. Now you will see a box inside your chat screen that will inform you of all the latest news. It will show you all the news since your last login. If there is nothing new, we don't want to clutter your screen, so the box will be hidden away. Likewise if news is posted while you're online, the box will automatically load, update and pop up on your screen - so that you never miss any excitement! *S* This is the box.....

Screen Shot 2013-12-14 at 17.20.04.png

Change Scroll Direction
Those of you high ranking chatters will probably be familiar with a feature that allows you to change the way the chat scrolls. By default new messages appear at the bottom, but some of you like your new messages to appear at the top. You can amend your default setting in your settings page, and this has always been possible. However, you may find yourself chatting on a tablet (such as an iPad) and therefore want a different setting depending on whether you're using your PC or tablet. Therefore, we've given you a quick shortcut button that will instantly change your scroll direction, at least until you clear your cookies. Here's the button, and you'll find it on the right of your nickname in your chat screen....

Screen Shot 2013-12-14 at 17.58.56.png

New Version

When we released all our Christmas stuff to you a couple of weeks ago, we heard some of you saying 'I don't see that yet'. This was because you hadn't refreshed your chat. In order to keep you on the most up to date version of chat possible, we will now send you a notification in the chat to inform you if there is a more recent version available. You'll then be able to press a button which will refresh your chat in a few seconds, bringing you totally up to date :) Here's the notification....

Screen Shot 2013-12-14 at 17.30.34.png

Internet Explorer (IE) Compatibility
You'll be very pleased to hear that IE10 and IE11 are now compatible with the chat. We had many reports of you not being able to see your text, having issues when changing between tabs, among other dodgy looking things. Our Techs have worked exceptionally hard getting this all fixed, and bar a few issues described on the previous bridge notice, the chat is now almost completely compatible with the latest versions of Internet Explorer. Until we fix absolutely every issue completely, please make sure you turn Compatibility Mode OFF when using the chat. Remember, this is only for Internet Explorer users. You can turn Compatibility Mode on and off again by pressing this button:


Other Bugs
We have also fixed some other minor bugs, one of which was having an issue when tabbing chat names that began with the number '7'. 

We hope you enjoy the latest updates. As always, if you have any questions, comments or problems please press F2 within the chat window to contact a navigator, or submit a support ticket HERE

Kind Regards,


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