
New Release

21/01/2014 12:52 Written by P.Sgt.Levers

Dear Passengers and Crew,

Last night we pushed a new release to the chat. Here's what we've done:

Chrome Fixes
We have had reports of Google Chrome freezing and chatters having to 'kill' the pages. In addition to this, we're aware of a problem whereby you get logged out of the chat client if you close all of the community pages. We have made some minor amendments to reduce the chance of this happening. Despite this however, it hasn't totally eradicated the problem. Google Chrome are due to release an update which should fix the problems from their end. 

Fading Background
We had complaints of the community pages being too white, especially the further you scrolled down when there weren't any menu's. To combat this problem, we have introduced a fading green background, which you'll start to see the further you scroll down the page. There is a minor glitch with this which will be fixed shortly.

Bridge News Box
The box that loads within the chat to inform you of the latest news used to only show news that had been posted since your last login. However, following feedback, we've made this show the latest 5 news posts, irrelevant of how long it's been since they were posted. You are free to minimise this as you wish, it will automatically load as and when a new notice is posted :) 

Happy Chatting


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